A JCW Career Profile

A JCW Career Profile

As we complete our day to day tasks, it is easy to forget our roots. Some of our staff started their careers with us in one form or another and it is good to reflect on their achievements over the years. One of these staff members is our Design and Contracts Manager based in Leicester, here are his words…

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R32 Refrigerant

R32 Refrigerant

We are all very aware of the negative impact HFC’s have and it would make both financial sense and environmental sense to plan your move over to R32 but first, you should really look into the pros and cons, as it would appear that R32 may not be suitable for all building and system types - yet.

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They Definitely Walked the Walk!

They Definitely Walked the Walk!

Walk the Walk took place on 11th May and involved thousands and thousands of people walking 26.2 miles, at night. Our Company Secretary, Gemma and her friends trained for weeks, building up their walking stamina, but this still may not have prepared them fully for the actual event…

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What does a fire risk assessment include?

What does a fire risk assessment include?

In our most recent eBook - A Guide to Life Safety Systems we look at the regulations around fire safety systems and best practices with regard to their maintenance. Your Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) forms an integral part of your Fire Safety System requirements, this is what it should include…

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Capital Expenditure: How will you invest?

Capital Expenditure: How will you invest?

With 2018 a distant memory, many companies will have now reviewed and renewed their CapEx budget for this year. But what are the best ways to invest your company’s money? New plant? Mechanical or Air Conditioning systems?here are a few reasons why you should…

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A bit of team spirit...

A bit of team spirit...

JCW has evolved in a short space of time and know that our staff are the key to our success. Without their support and loyalty, we would have struggled in this difficult climate, not thrived as well as we have. So, earlier this year we decided to return our focus back to our staff.

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Boiler installation to homeless shelter

Boiler installation to homeless shelter

As a company providing services nationally, we recognise our responsibility to our local communities. Our Suffolk office were delighted to assist the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich in the refurbishment of their shelter for the homeless, couple of challenges along the way…

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Should you change to R32 refrigerant?

Should you change to R32 refrigerant?

When it comes to refrigerant choice, R32 is certainly the most talked about. With the continuing rising cost of R407C and R410A, maintaining existing equipment is becoming increasingly more expensive for systems that are no longer considered up to date. So, should you change to R32 regfrigerant?

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